EMPWER HOUR with Teardrop, featuring Evander

Written by on February 28, 2022

Born and raised in South Auckland, Evander’s sound is articulated through her life experiences as a young female Polynesian artist.

She has achieved some amazing goals as a young poly kid out of South Auckland. She featured on the Nesian Wave Tour that went off in the year 2021, performing live with dancer. Evander performed at Soul sessions alongside many more shows in NZ and internationally.

Her drive and passion for her art is inspiring and is a great example of resilience at its best during these trying times. Evander is excited to be able to share her journey on the Empower Hour and in the future with all her endeavours through her music and performing arts career.

If you missed the first instalment of EMPWER HOUR you can you’ve got you cover, replay below.

Current track

